Holy Matrimony (Marriage) is the Sacrament by which a man and woman are joined together as one. At the beginning of time, God created the human race, male and female, in His image and likeness. In Matrimony, man and woman fulfill their destiny in mirroring the love God has for His people and the love that Jesus Christ has for His Church.
Marriage does not change a person, but rather gives them a partner to help them fulfill God's plan for their lives. Two people joined together in Marriage are called to show forth love, compassion and committment to those around them.
Marriage is also the Sacrament where God shares His creative power with the human race. In married love, a woman and a man are given the power to bring new life into the world. Their love overflows and brings to birth a new human being made in the image and likeness of God.
Marriage is a big step for a couple to take and in order to help them prepare for that step, the Church assists them in the preparation for the life-long committment. Contrary to public and popular opinion, Marriage is forever! The vows that are made on the wedding day are sacred and binding until death. The Church teaches that a couple needs to be well-prepared for all that married life entails.
To that end, every couple who plans to marry in the Catholic Church must attend a pre-marriage instruction program. Here at Resurrection, that is done by each couple meeting with the pastor for this preparation. Preparation takes place in three areas - assessment, discussion and planning. The assesment and discussion is done using Prepare & Enrich. This helps the couple to look closely at their relationship and examine the strengths and weaknesses. It also helps the couple to discuss what is needed prior to the committment they make in the wedding vows. The planning is not just for the wedding day, but rather a planning for the future of marriage in the couple's life.
A couple planning to marry must contact the pastor at least six months in advance of the proposed wedding date. No other plans (renting a hall, hiring a caterer, band, etc.) should be done until the date is tentatively set with the pastor. Weddings can take place on days other than Saturdays (unless there is a scheduling conflict) All persons who are baptized must have proof of their baptism. There are some official forms that are required and a marriage license from the State of Michigan is also required.
For more information, please contact the Parish Office at (906) 482-0215
Planning your Wedding? Click here for more information.