Baptism makes us a Child of God and a member of the Church. Through the waters of life, sin is washed away and we become a new creation. Baptism is the "door" to all the other Sacraments in the Catholic Church. We believe that Baptism is necessary for salvation and that it gives us the promise of Life Eternal.
The Baptism of infants takes place after a meeting with our pastor. The parents of the child must be registered members of Church of the Resurrection or some other Catholic Parish. This is required by the laws of the Catholic Church. Baptisms can take place at or after a weekend Mass or at any other special time by request. For more information, please contact the Parish Office at (906) 482-0215.
The Baptism of adults usually takes place at the Easter Vigil. This happens after the person has attended our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.) To become a convert to the Catholic Faith, please contact the Parish Office at the number listed above.
Planning a Baptism? Click here for the Church of the Resurrection Guidelines.