Welcome to the Church of the Resurrection's website. Our Parish is part of the Diocese of Marquette, and has been in its current location since 1976. Our Parish grounds had previously been a Catholic Cemetery, thus giving us our current name. We are located in Hancock, Michigan near both Michigan Technological University and Finlandia University.
We welcome everyone to our Masses!
Mass Schedule
Weekend: Saturday 4:30 pm; Sunday 10:30 am
Weekday: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:15 am; Tuesday 7:00 pm
Holy Days: As scheduled
(the bulletin will have the schedule)
Adoration: Tuesday's at 6pm
Reconciliation: Tuesday 6:10pm to 6:40pm (during Adoration)
Wed., Thur., Fri., 7:40am to 8:10am
Saturday, 3pm to 4pm
Marriage and Baptism: By appointment